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John Sader
  • Research Professor of Aerospace and Applied Physics

John Sader

John Sader joins EAS as a Research Professor of Aerospace and Applied Physics from the University of Melbourne, where he was Professor of Applied Mathematics. John’s research spans many fields, including fluid mechanics, colloid science, plasmonics, mass spectrometry and atomic force microscopy, and he collaborates broadly with experimentalists across the world. John is perhaps best known for developing experimental methods in atomic force microscopy. He has been a regular visitor to Caltech since 2009 and has collaborated with many groups across EAS on nanoelectromechanical systems for mass spectrometry, rarefied gas dynamics, fluid-structure interactions of flags, shape morphing mechanical structures, dynamic stability of thin elastic films for space deployment, and the vortex dynamics of start-up flows. John is an elected fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, the Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, and the Australian Mathematical Society. His office is in the Firestone Laboratory.

Joseph Falson
  • Assistant Professor of Materials Science; William H. Hurt Scholar

Joseph Falson

Joseph Falson's research focuses on the synthesis and characterization of quantum materials that display emergent functionalities. The group specializes in the thin-film growth of high quality crystals and their physical evaluation in extreme environments, including at low temperature and high magnetic field.

Anqi Zhang
  • Incoming Assistant Professor of Medical Engineering

Anqi Zhang

Anqi Zhang will start as an Assistant Professor of Medical Engineering at Caltech in March 2025. She is currently a postdoctoral scholar advised by Zhenan Bao and Karl Deisseroth at Stanford University. She received her Ph.D. degree in Chemistry under the supervision of Charles M. Lieber at Harvard University in 2020 and her B.S. degree in Materials Science from Fudan University in 2014. Her research is funded by the American Heart Association (AHA) postdoctoral fellowship and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) K99/R00 award. The Zhang Research Group will be dedicated to advancements in neurotechnology. The group will develop innovative tools for the modulation and monitoring of neural circuits through electronic, chemical, and genetic engineering. The ultimate goal is to bring novel technology from the laboratory to the clinic to understand and treat neurological disorders.

Georgia Gkioxari
  • Assistant Professor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences and Electrical Engineering; William H. Hurt Scholar

Georgia Gkioxari

Georgia's research focuses on machine vision, namely teaching machines to see. Her work explores methods for learning from visual corpora to tackle challenging visual tasks with scalable, efficient and generalizable solutions. Georgia's research is centered around object recognition from images and videos as well as object tracking and 3D understanding.

Ivy Chen
  • Graduate Student, Applied Physics and Materials Science

Ivy Chen

I am a G2 in Applied Physics, working in Professor Austin Minnich’s group. Prior to my arrival at Caltech, I got my BS in Physics from Harvey Mudd College, where I worked on experimentally demonstrating a class of entangled states called one-way Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering. After my undergraduate studies, I worked as a software engineer at Google for two years before moving onto graduate school. While at Google, I worked on shopping ads relevance and safety across all search platforms. At Caltech, my research focuses on atomic layer etching (ALE), a novel subtractive nanofabrication technique that can achieve angstrom-level control over etching through self-limiting, sequential chemical modifications. I develop and characterize the chemical processes of ALE recipes for photonic materials like lithium niobate. In my free time, I enjoy running, playing video games, and trying all the new foods that Pasadena and LA have to offer.

Deepro Pasha
  • Undergraduate Student, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Deepro Pasha

I am Deepro Pasha, an undergraduate junior at Caltech. My major is in electrical engineering, and my minor is in computer science. I am interested in applying electrical engineering and computer science knowledge to the medical field in unconventional, original, and impactful ways - I have been conducting research applying machine learning to improve medical imaging as a SURF fellow for the last two years, which I am continuing next summer at Stanford University. I am also creating data traversal algorithms to better visualize genetic data with UCSC’s Genomics Institute. My hobbies include playing guitar, reading and watching science fiction, and playing video games - I also create electronic music with my club “Musictech”. Caltech helped broaden my lens for viewing the scientific world and expanded my idea about what I am capable of.