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Alice Cheng
  • Undergraduate Student, Computing and Mathematical Sciences

Alice Cheng

Hi! My areas of interest include observational astronomy/instrumentation and the intersection between astronomy and computer science. Through Caltech’s astrophysics program, I’ve had the opportunity to image galaxies and study variability of active galactic nuclei using the telescopes at Palomar Observatory. Through Caltech’s SURF program, I was able to travel to Copenhagen and work with the Cosmic Dawn Center to write an emulator for a popular software used by researchers to model interstellar clouds. On the computer science side, I’m curious about human-computer interaction and how it can be used to enhance access to resources, like education and medical care, across the world. At Caltech, I co-founded Product @ Caltech with fellow students, an organization which aims to introduce members of the Caltech community to product management via industry speakers, hands-on experience with start-ups, and skill workshops. I am also the treasurer of Caltech Dance Club, which hosts weekly dance classes on campus. After graduating, I hope to continue teaching, whether it is in an academic setting or as a mentor in industry. When I’m not too busy, you can find me learning new languages, dancing, playing with cats, or cooking.

Isabella Fiorello
  • Fulbright Visiting Researcher, Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Isabella Fiorello

My name is Isabella Fiorello, and I'm a Principal Investigator of the Bioinspired Plant-hybrid Materials group at the Cluster of Excellence livMatS of the University of Freiburg (Germany). I received a master’s degree in industrial biotechnology (with honors) from the University of Turin (Italy) in 2017 and a PhD in biorobotics (with honors) from Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Pisa, Italy) in 2021. From 2021 to 2023, I worked as a Postdoc in the Bioinspired Soft Robotics Laboratory of the Italian Institute of Technology (Genoa, Italy). Since October 2023, I have been a Fulbright Visiting Researcher at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in the group of Prof. Chiara Daraio. During my scientific career, I received different grants and awards, such as the Young Researcher of the Year - ENI Award 2022 and the Early Career National Geographic Grant. My research aims at the development of biologically-inspired microfabricated living machines able to precisely interact with complex unstructured surfaces for applications in precision agriculture, space exploration, and soft robotics.

Yaozhong Shi
  • Graduate Student, Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Yaozhong Shi

I am a fourth-year graduate student in Mechanical Engineering, collaborating with Professor Domniki Asimaki and Zachary E. Ross. My research focuses on understanding the statistics of earthquakes, a task that involves combining domain knowledge, applied mathematics, and machine learning. I am dedicated to developing practical tools for processing earthquake signals, characterizing ground shaking during earthquakes, and unraveling the spatio-temporal distribution of earthquake events. My fascination with earthquakes goes beyond academic interest; I am deeply intrigued by their significant impact on our world. This fascination fuels my commitment to contributing to a safer and more resilient society through my research. Outside the office, my hobbies include hiking and swimming. As I continue my journey at Caltech, I am eager to share my experiences and insights with the community. I look forward to engaging in collaborations, learning from others, and contributing to the rich tapestry of knowledge and innovation at this esteemed institution.

Tyler Fox
  • Undergraduate Student, Environmental Science and Engineering

Tyler Fox

I am a 4th-year undergraduate studying economics, BEM (business, economics, and management), and environmental science and engineering. I am passionate about the intersection of finance and sustainability, and using finance as a tool to drive sustainable development and transition across the globe. In pursuit of this, after Caltech, I will be in New York City working as an investment banking analyst at Guggenheim Securities as part of the Sustainability and Energy Transition Team. At Caltech, I am captain of the women’s water polo team and I am also Fleming House Secretary. In my free time, I love exploring the diverse and beautiful nature California offers from hikes in the San Gabriel mountains to swimming at the beach to exploring national parks like Joshua Tree.

Jose Rodolfo Chreim
  • Graduate Student, Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Jose Rodolfo Chreim

I have been a PhD Student in the Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering since September 2020. My research focuses on Computational Fluid Dynamics (development of methods for compressible flows and phase change). I have a background in Aerospace Engineering and Physics, and I have previously worked in consulting for the petroleum and hydro-power industries, developing numerical methods for marine propulsion. My interests are in the overlap of multi-physics, such as fluid-structure interaction, compressible flows, and thermodynamics.

Ellen Min
  • Undergraduate Student, Computer Science

Ellen Min

I am a fourth-year undergraduate majoring in computer science and minoring in English. I’m interested in creative applications of computer science. Here are some things I’ve worked on over the past few years: creating Python interfaces for an open-source galaxy modeling framework (Carnegie Observatories), mapping groundwater loss in the Central Valley (ArtCenter), and developing a web-based visualization of satellite landing sites (Lunar Trailblazer). I like writing fiction, drawing, painting, and playing Romantic era pieces on the piano. I also cross-enrolled at Occidental College to study critical and queer theory. For a while, I’ve been unsure whether to pursue a career in STEM or in the arts and humanities. This spring, I’ll be exploring my interest in the arts through Caltech Y’s Studenski Award and I am excited to see where things go. In my free time, I like to skateboard, go on drives, and get sweet treats.