The 2015 launch of Engineers Week was celebrated at Caltech with a panel discussion on diversity and how engineers are making a world of difference. The event was designed to energize national and international groups in their planning of programs and events to celebrate the accomplishments of engineers as well as to inspire the next generation during Engineers Week, which will be February 21–26, 2016. [Watch the webcast]
The event was opened by Caltech president Thomas F. Rosenbaum, and the panel was moderated by EAS Division Chair G. Ravichandran. The in-person audience included members of the Engineering and Environmental Science Academy at Pasadena's John Muir High School as well as Caltech students who are members of the Society of Women Engineers, Engineers Without Borders, and Science & Engineering Policy at Caltech.
Panel members were: Domniki Asimaki, Caltech professor of mechanical and civil engineering; Caltech senior Aileen Cheng, the president of the Caltech Society of Women Engineers; Sandra H. Magnus, executive director of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; Andrew Smart, director of Society Programs and Industry Relations for SAE International; and John J. Tracy, chief technology officer of The Boeing Company.